Qu’est-ce que le PERTE?
Ce plan vise à accélérer la transition vers un système de production plus efficace et durable et fixe une aide d’un montant de 492 millions d’euros qui mobilisera des ressources de plus de 1 200 millions.
The Strategic Project for the Recovery and Economic Transformation (PERTE) of the Circular Economy has been approved by the Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) in order to accelerate the transition towards a productive system more efficient and sustainable in the use of raw materials that aims to comply with the objectives contained in the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy for the year 2030.
Quels sont les Objectifs?
PERTE is committed to the three fundamental objectives for the advancement of the Circular Economy in Spanish industry: the promotion of the eco-design of products to make them more durable and repairable from their very origin, reducing waste; the improvement of waste management through treatment plants that increase reuse, recycling and the incorporation of recovered raw materials in the production of new goods. And the promotion of digitization linked to both objectives, which will improve the competitiveness and innovation of the industrial fabric in any sector.
At JLMIngenieria we have compact, easy-to-use and installation equipment that provides the most effective solution for the separation and recovery of construction and demolition waste (RCDs).

Construction and demolition waste represents the largest waste flow within the European Union, representing a third of the total waste generated. Within the EU2030 strategy, 70% of CDW must undergo management and recovery processes.