World Recycling Day

On May 17, World Recycling Day is celebrated with the aim of raising awareness in society about the importance of treating waste properly, so as not to contribute to climate change, and thus protect the environment. On this date the importance of REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE is recalled.



The word “RECYCLING” is understood as the process by which a used material or product, in principle destined for waste, undergoes a treatment to obtain a raw material or a new product. In other words, a waste is reintroduced into the life cycle, which allows us to make better use of natural resources, reduce the environmental impact of our consumption habits and devise creative ways to redesign and reinsert our objects and objects into the process. give them new life.


What are the benefits of RECYCLING?

The benefits of recycling are:

– Reduction in the volume of waste, thus reducing pollution.

– Preservation of natural resources.

– Energy saving.

– Reduction of air, soil and water pollution.

– Cost reduction associated with the production of new goods.


Recycling of RCDs

Construction and demolition waste (RCD’s) constitutes more than 35% of total waste generation in the EU. In Spain it represents 6.5% of GDP and generates 40% of the total waste in our country.

Proper management of construction and demolition waste, which includes proper separation and handling of it, has great benefits in terms of sustainability and quality of life. In this way, illegal discharges that bring with them serious environmental consequences are reduced: soil contamination, leakage of possible pollutants into aquifers or the visual and landscape impact, among others.

Recycled aggregates are one of the best examples of Circular Economy, since RCD is recyclable in percentages close to 100%.


From JLM Ingeniería we work on the recovery of RCD’s, for this we have developed compact equipment, easy to transport and handle that guarantee a correct separation of waste, thus approaching a true circular economy that contributes to a more sustainable and respectful model with the environment.


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