JLM Ingeniería continue working to cover the needs of the sector dedicated to the recovery of INDUSTRIAL WASTE.

The industry is considered the engine that moves the world. Currently, we can observe in any media how technology is advancing, developing increasingly sophisticated production and management methods. However, since the industrial revolution, humans have faced an obstacle that, for the moment, they have not been able to avoid: the enormous amount of industrial waste generated by the development of industry.
This development of the industry brings with it the need to promote circular economy strategies to minimize the environmental impact.
What is industrial waste?
Industrial waste is waste that is generated from a manufacturing, transformation, use, consumption or cleaning process. Said waste must be managed appropriately so as not to damage the environment and comply with current regulations.
According to Law 7/2022, of April 8, on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy, published in the BOE on April 9, 2022, its objective is to establish the principles of the circular economy through basic legislation in waste matter, as well as contributing to the fight against climate change and protecting the marine environment. This contributes to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, included in the 2030 Agenda and in particular to goals 12 – sustainable production and consumption –, 13 – climate action – and 14 – underwater life. Likewise, in the area of its contribution to the fight against climate change, this law is consistent with energy and climate planning.
Industrial waste management
The management of industrial waste, whether hazardous or not, basically consists of sending it to recycling plants and final disposal in landfills.
Within the stages into which the waste management process can be divided (collection, storage, transportation, treatment and final disposal), we can highlight the recovery process that, within the treatment stage, contributes to the effective management of the waste. residue.
Adequate valuation and classification allows us to reduce the volume of waste, and allows preparation for the next process.
At JLM Ingeniería, we have solutions for the recovery and classification of industrial waste.
The JLM Ingeniería recovery and classification plant in which industrial waste is treated complies with legislation and has specific safety measures to guarantee the safety of its treatment.